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The Philosophy and Policies
of the Faculty of Engineering and Design

Educational Philosophy of the Faculty of Engineering and Design

The Faculty of Engineering and Design at Kagawa University focuses on creating a harmonious relationship between people, cultures, safety, industry and the environment. Through a comprehensive foundation in basic engineering skills we aim to develop engineers with strong morals and an international outlook.?

Three policies of the Faculty of Engineering and Design?

Diploma policy (Principles guiding graduation requirements)

Based on its educational philosophy, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kagawa University, aims to create engineers who have a wide knowledge of the fundamentals of engineering and specialized fields, can communicate properly with engineers and general society, and can create new and creative designs while taking various risks into consideration.
Graduates with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering (B. Eng.) will have gained the following which will enable them to contribute to society as 21st century citizens:

1. Linguistic Competence ?
*The ability to write clearly and logically
*The ability to use various kinds of information appropriately and make effective presentations
*The ability to use the fundamental laws of mathematics to solve engineering issues
*The ability to collect information and communicate in English
*An international perspective and the ability to gather information on scientific technology that meets global standards

2. Knowledge and Comprehension Skills (as a citizen of the 21st century and a bachelor of engineering)
*Basic knowledge and understanding of the principles of natural sciences
*Basic engineering knowledge necessary to solve engineering problems
*Diverse perspectives on the relationship between people, society, beauty, and the environment

3. Problem-solving and Information Gathering Skills
*Autonomous learning skills and the ability to continuously explore new issues
*The ability to understand and expect various risks, take countermeasures in advance, and respond to unexpected situations
*Knowledge of their specialized field to allow them to design, plan a design, conduct trials, and evaluate their design with consideration given to the relationship between their design and risks to future users of the product

4. Ethical and Social Responsibility
*A sense of ethics and social responsibility necessary as professionals and public citizens

5. Understanding of the Local Community
*An appreciation of the state of their communities and fundamental skills necessary to resolve problems in their communities

Curriculum Policy (Principles underlying the educational framework and experiential learning)

In order to train graduates of the sort described in our principles guiding graduation requirements (Diploma policy), the Faculty of Engineering and Design at Kagawa University has drawn up and implemented courses of study that comprise of university-wide common subjects (32 credits or more) and Faculty subjects (96 credits or more, which comprise of common subjects [14 credits or more―1 credit of ethics, 4 credits or more of communication skills, 4 credits or more of design thinking skills, and 3 credits or more of risk management skills], specialized subjects [68 credits or more], graduation research or graduation production [8 credits or more], and elective subjects [6 credits or more]). In order to be assigned to a research office in the second half of their 3rd year, students need to have acquired 84 or more credits in prescribed subjects prior to the first half of their 3rd year. Students are required to have 128 credits or more in order to graduate.
The points outlined in the Graduation Policy are achieved by providing a systematic education as outlined below.

[1] Language Proficiency
Students are encouraged to improve their language skills that are fundamental in the communication classes among the university-wide common subjects.
Among the Faculty subjects, students will improve their abilities to communicate in English through "International Communication I" and "International Communication II," and acquire the ability to employ English with respect to science and technology in "Technical English." In "Interpersonal Communications," students will acquire knowledge about matters such as the ability to deliver presentations, conduct negotiations, and perform interviews. Furthermore, in "Cross-Cultural Communications" students will acquire abilities to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds. In "Programming," they will cultivate the ability to analyze problems using fundamental laws of mathematics. Still further, in "International Internship I" and "International Internship II," students will engage in training overseas at schools with which Kagawa University has international internship agreements where they can obtain an international perspective and acquire knowledge about science and technology of a global standard.

[2] Knowledge and Comprehension Skills (as a citizen of the 21st century and a bachelor of engineering)
To acquire a broad perspective and fundamental knowledge, students study university-wide common subjects (basic discipline subjects, topical course B "Problems in Contemporary Society") in their first year. In terms of basic knowledge for solving engineering problems, students in their first and second years study subjects including "Differential and Integral Calculus," "Probability and Statistics," "Linear Algebra," "Vector Analysis," and "Basics of Fourier Analysis." Also, to cultivate a diverse perspective with respect to people, society, the environment, and aesthetics, students will study design thinking skill subjects ("Region and Art," "Color Science," etc.) and diverse thinking skill subjects ("History of Science and Technology," "Resources and Energetics," "Environmental Policies," "Introduction to Regional Corporate Needs," and so forth).
Students will also be able to systematically take specialized subjects starting in the first year so that they will have basic knowledge in the natural sciences and understand the basic principles thereof, and so they will acquire the knowledge and techniques required to solve engineering problems. By combining the acquisition of knowledge through the lecture format with acquiring skills through the experimental and practical formats, students will acquire more comprehensive knowledge and an understanding of practical knowledge.

[3] Problem-solving and Information Gathering Skills
Through such subjects as topical course B "Problems in Contemporary Society" and "Introductory University Seminars" of the university-wide common subjects, and the Faculty subject courses such as "Introduction to Design," "Exercise in Team Working," and "Exercise in Design Thinking," students will get an understanding of the issues, learn to employ specialized knowledge and technology under diverse restrictions and examine problems as a team, and acquire the ability to study the interactive relationship between products on one hand and users and society on the other. Also, students will acquire risk management skills through such subjects as "Exercise in Logical Thinking," "Introduction to Risk Management," and "Introduction to Risk Communication." Furthermore, students will apply these skills to the specialized fields of each program through experiments and exercises offered through their respective programs.
Students will engage in graduation research or graduation production starting in the second half of their third year. Graduation research and graduation production will be carried out under the direction of a specific faculty member. Using their specialized knowledge and techniques, students acquire the ability to solve problems—working together as necessary with others; or, the ability to devise their projects; and in any case acquire the ability to study continuously and independently, and to search out new topics. Through this, students will develop the ability to plan and devise designs that lead to creating value, and the ability to prototype and evaluate those designs.
Furthermore, students will sort out what issues the public and private sectors in the community are facing through the third-year "Internship" which is the practical internship course and the fourth-year "Emergent Engineering with Industry" which is the project-based learning (PBL) coursework. Through this, they will work practically toward presenting their own solutions while acquiring the abilities to solve problems and pursue the issues involved.

[4] Ethical and Social Responsibility
Students will learn about how one should live as a 21st century citizen through the university-wide common subject topical course A "Life and Careers," and develop the ability to think about their social roles as engineers in their "Ethics in Engineering and Design" course to be taken in their third year."

[5] Understanding the Local Community
Students receive inducement to solve issues facing the local community through university-wide common subject topical course C, "Understanding the Local Community." They develop an understanding of the local community through practical activities carried out through the third-year "Internship" which is the practical internship course and the fourth-year "Emergent Engineering with Industry" which is the PBL coursework.

The results of a student's studies in the foregoing areas are evaluated using a strict assessment of performance (on a five-level grading system and grade point averages [GPAs]). Basically, with respect to lecture subjects the assessments are based on the degree of comprehension of the knowledge acquired; for experimental and practical course, on the ability to put practical knowledge to use and degree of mastery of specialized technologies and techniques; and in the graduation research and graduation production, through a comprehensive assessment of the student's practical skills in defining, analyzing, and resolving an issue or issues.

Admission Policy? (Principles underlying university admission)

◇Academic Skills, Capabilities, and Qualifications Required of Matriculating Students
Prospective students are expected to have the following kinds of academic skills, capabilities, and competencies.

[1] Solid Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills
*Basic academic knowledge and skills necessary to study the specialized fields at the Faculty of Engineering and Design backed with a broad range of learning focused primarily on studies in high school―Japanese, a foreign language, mathematics, and science

[2] Critical Thinking, Judgement, and Self-expression
*Logical thinking ability and judgement, coupled with evidence-based scientific thinking skills and ability to think critically, in order to get a multifaceted and comprehensive grasp of the specialized fields as well as to solve the problems respective to each
*Ability to think about things from a multiplicity of perspectives, and ability to express one's own thoughts in ways that are also easy for other people to understand

[3] Independence, Diversity, and Cooperativeness
*Cooperativeness and communication skills needed for interacting autonomously with people of diverse backgrounds, respecting their views and values, and making effort to work toward mutual understanding

[4] Interests, Desire, and Attitude
*Possessing an interest in one or another in the specialized fields that the Faculty of Engineering and Design engages with, along with the desire to, and an appreciation of the worth of, engaging actively of their own volition and on a continuous basis with those same issues; having the will to give expression to the knowledge and techniques that one has acquired in an easy-to-understand manner; and possessing the desire and attitude needed to help create a symbiotic environment, develop the local community, and be of use to the international community
*An attitude signifying the student will continue to make their presence felt in the world at large—meaning not just in Japan but anywhere—as an engineer and continue to learn throughout their life

[5] Ethics and Social Responsibility
*As an engineer in one of specialized fields, and also as a member of society, to have self-awareness and a sense of responsibility along with the ability to understand the role that one should be playing in society together with one's ethical and social responsibilities

◇Details of the Achievements Expected Prior to Matriculation
We ask that new students have acquired basic academic skills in high school mainly in the areas of Japanese, foreign language(s), mathematics, and science. New students should understand the principles of the present faculty, respect the opinions and values of others, and have the communication skills to allow them to care for others as engineering professionals. Accordingly, we want them to cultivate their abilities to express their own ideas and nurture both their independence and cooperativeness from a broad-minded perspective through student council, extracurricular clubs, and volunteer activities.

◇Outline of Admissions Exam Methods
○ General Admissions Test
*Phase 1 dates
In order to secure a student body with diverse capabilities and aspirations, we accept two categories of students. Category A applicants are individuals who have completed courses mainly in the sciences at high school or equivalent as a mixture of subjects to be covered in the exam, while Category B applicants are individuals for whom the preceding conditions do not apply but still have an interest in the education provided by the Faculty of Engineering and Design. Individuals who wish enroll in Program in Media and Product Design; MPD or Program in Disaster and Crisis Management; DCM can be also selected as Category B applicants. Given this faculty's wish to have students whose objectives are to pursue engineering and design based on a broad perspective not restrained by the framework of conventional humanities or sciences, for the first stage we test applicants on 7 subjects in 5 subject areas in the National Center Test for University Admissions (for Category B applicants 6 subjects in 5 subject areas, based on elective subjects in the sciences). For university's separate secondary exam, we employ one test from among the basic science and mathematics-related subjects (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry). Category B applicants seeking to enroll in Program in Media and Product Design can also chose a General subject, while Category B applicants seeking to enroll in Program in Disaster and Crisis Management can also choose the Earth Science subject.

*Phase 2 dates
In the second stage, we are generally concerned with the applicant's judgement and ability to respond to a variety of issues related to science and technology, as well as their basic capabilities when it comes to playing an active role in the international community of the future. Accordingly, we test applicants through the National Center Test for University Admissions on 7 subjects in 5 subject areas. For the university's separate secondary exam, we require a short essay aimed at determining whether the applicant has the necessary qualifications and capabilities to study engineering in a form ideal to the 21st century.

○ Special Admissions Tests
*Admissions Office Entrance Exam
In the 1st Selection, we evaluate the content of the application materials in their entirety for the applicant's interest, desire, attitude, ability to think, judgement, powers of expression, independence, diversity, and cooperativeness. In the 2nd Selection, we evaluate those applicants who pass the 1st Selection through an interview and one of an oral exam, presentation, or short essay. The oral exam evaluates basic academic skills and future potential. The presentation evaluates power of ideas, creative faculties, capacity for logical thought, and powers of expression with respect to the issues in the relevant program. The essay evaluates capacity for logical thought and powers of expression, along with their grounding in physics and mathematics. The interview evaluates desire to improve oneself, logicality, and positiveness of attitude. These various components are assessed comprehensively to determine the final successful applicants.

*Recommendation-based Entrance Exam Imposing the National Center Test for University Admissions (Recommendation II)
In the Recommendation II selection, we use National Center Test for University Admissions exams on 4 subjects in the 3 subject areas of Mathematics, Sciences, and Foreign Languages to evaluate the basic academic skills required to study engineering and design. Additionally, in our screening of written reports, we emphasize alongside the state of the applicant's studies their engagement with student council, extracurricular clubs, and similar activities, as well as any special skills, obtained qualifications, and the like that they may have. These various items are evaluated comprehensively from the perspective of such factors as creative impulse, independence, sociality, and positive attitude.

*Entrance Exam for Privately Funded Foreign Students
This exam is intended for foreign students who come to Japan with the objective of obtaining an education at an educational institution in this country. We employ an interview format with exam questions related to mathematics and science to evaluate the applicant's capacity to understand a university education in Japan.