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The Policies for the?Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Engineering

Guidelines for Conferring Doctoral Degrees (Diploma Policy)

Based on the educational principles for the Graduate School of Engineering, we hope to foster engineers who possess the expertise to contribute to the advancement of science technologies and interdisciplinary approach beyond the existing engineering framework. Their commitment to understand influences upon society, comprehend regional and global environments, will be defined by their appreciation of human beings, society, ethics, nature and artifacts related to engineering from a global viewpoint.
Upon completing Graduate School, our doctoral graduates should have the following abilities and attitudes:

1.Specialized Knowledge and Understanding
* Based on deep understanding of natural science and engineering, graduates should acquire top-level knowledge and techniques related to their specialized fiends.

2.Research and Application
* Graduates should have the ability to explore issues and solve problems utilizing their creativity and expertise. * Graduates should have the practical capability and interdisciplinary imagination to promote a sustainable society and make significant contributions as team leaders in their project research.
3. Ethics and Social Responsibility
* Graduates should possess broad, advanced knowledge and universal ethics as engineers to contribute to the development of society and science technologies.

4.Global Mind
* Graduates should possess logical, interdisciplinary manners and apply them in a global society.

Guidelines for the Curriculum(Curriculum Policy)

In the Doctoral course of the Graduate School of Engineering, we offer Special research Ⅲ (4 credits) and Special research Ⅳ(6 credits) for the purpose of fostering responsible engineers as mentioned in the Guidelines for Diploma Policy. In order to graduate, students must earn the 10 credits mentioned above and pass the screening and final exam of the doctor's thesis. Special research Ⅲ and Special research Ⅳ will be instructed daily by a supervising professor and vice supervising professor.
Areas of Diploma Policy will be achieved through the completion of the structured education mentioned below:

[1]? Specialized Knowledge and Understanding
In“Special research Ⅲ,”students will set the research theme for the doctor's thesis and acquire top-level knowledge, techniques, and evaluation ability in order to plan and implement it.

[2]? Research and Application Ability

In“Special research Ⅲ,”students will build their practical, interdisciplinary and creative skills to explore and solve problems in order to promote a sustainable society. In“Special research Ⅳ,”students will conduct research for the doctor's thesis while in the process develop their ability to present and explore research as a member of a team.

[3]? Ethics and Social Responsibility
In“Special research Ⅲ and Ⅳ,”students will learn universal engineering ethics through conducting research for the doctor's thesis.

[4]? Global Mind
Students will develop a practical, global mindset through research presentations for the doctor's thesis in journals published by international academies and academic conferences hosted by academies.

The subjects mentioned above are evaluated strictly using a 5.0 GPA scale based on the student's ability to plan and implement research by applying the knowledge and expertise learned from“Special research Ⅲ and Ⅳ.”The doctor's thesis will be judged a pass or fail by strict screening, a final exam by selected inspection members (One principal inspector and more than two vice inspectors. Members can be from outside the university.) based on the degree criteria set forth by the Graduate School of Engineering, and a public hearing.

Guidelines for Entrance (Admission Policy)

◇Required Academic Skills, Capability, and Qualifications
We request that students possess the following academic skills, abilities and qualifications before entering the Graduate School.

[1] ?Knowledge, Techniques and Understanding
* Basic knowledge, techniques and understanding regarding engineering and natural science

[2] Ability to Think, Judgement and Expression
* Ability to explain policies to solve various issues regarding engineering and natural science

[3] ?Research and Applied Skills
* Ability to carry out research regarding engineering and natural science utilizing specialized knowledge and skills

[4]?Creativity, Willingness and Attitude
* Willingness to conduct research positively to build a rich society by creating new technologies through learning various fields of engineering and natural science

[5]?Ethics and Social Responsibility
* Broad knowledge of engineering and social science, universal ethics and ability to understand social responsibility as a member of society and a researcher

[6]?Global Mind
* Ability to use a foreign language to understand international and domestic information regarding engineering and natural science and a global mindset to lead society by solving issues related to engineering with multilateral perspectives

◇Main Intention of Selection Procedures(Doctoral Course)
○General Selection, Special Selection for Adult Applicants and Foreign Applicants
We will evaluate the fundamental, academic and specialized knowledge for engineering and social science which is necessary for Graduate School by reviewing application documents and conducting an interview. The interview will be based on the“research plan and list of research achievements”and applicants will make presentations about their past research and plans, which will be used to evaluate qualifications as an engineer or researcher, willingness and attitudes toward research, and ability to carry out the research in the research plan.

Curriculum and Characteristics

The Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Engineering aims to develop“engineers capable of global assessment supported by a broad range of knowledge,”“leaders for research and development with international and regional dimensions,”“strategists for development in companies,”and“researchers.”

“Engineers capable of global assessment”
We foster competence to cope flexibly with challenges by utilizing a broad range of knowledge and creative intelligence.

“Leaders for research and development with international dimensions”
We foster specialized knowledge and skills as well as the capability to communicate in foreign languages necessary to promote research and development internationally in the dissertation supervision process.

“Leaders for research and development with regional dimensions”
We develop leading engineers who can play central roles in valuable projects. For this purpose,we foster engineers with the capabilities to achieve goals.

“Strategists for development in companies”
We encourage venture spirits designed to identify and tackle technological challenges presented by society.

We teach the basics of academic logic and foster researchers who can tackle on-going issues, gathering research themes from a wide range of community needs and then going through abstraction and academic processes.