

Undergraduate course

Admission Policy

1. Education Philosophy
The Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, is a new faculty of engineering of the National University that accepted its first students in 1998.  Rapid progress in science and technology in the twentieth century has brought us comfort and convenience but, on the other hand, has led to problems that threaten the survival of the human race.  The Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, has set its education philosophy to "the creation of super interdisciplinary engineering through the integration of arts and sciences", and continues to seek answers as to how engineering should be to support society in the twenty-first century.  Thus, we foster new engineering technologists who ave a multilateral viewpoint and who fully understand the objects of engineering, including humans, society, nature, and artifacts from a global viewpoint without being onstrained by the conventional, narrow framework of engineering.

2. Education Goals
We have introduced not only liberal arts education, which is offered university-wide, but also liberal arts education for engineering, that is aimed at providing managerial abilities, a venturing mind, human understanding, ethics, international sensitivity, and a historical viewpoint, not to mention education for acquiring advanced knowledge and technical capabilities in each specialized field.  We foster the following abilities, which are essential to engineers wishing to take the lead in engineering in the twenty-first century.-  Ability to think flexibly, peculiar to those majoring in arts that will enable engineers to harmonize with twenty-first century society (integration of arts and sciences)-  Ability to make objective evaluations while having a well-rounded education for understanding diversifying standards of value (global assessment)-  International communication ability and leadership that will enable engineers to be active throughout the world beyond area boundaries (professional communication)With this education, we foster a new type of talented persons who have a wide background in engineering while being backed up by deep expertise, who can express themselves accurately, and who can respond appropriately to the international community.

3. Education Content
The subjects that the students of the Faculty of Engineering can study are largely divided into "university-wide common subjects" and "department-specific subjects".
A "university-wide common subject" is open to all students of the University, and is a liberal arts education subject for cultivating students as people.  There are some small-group (about 20 students per class) seminar-style subjects intended for first grade students to learn the ways of studying in a university and so on.
A "department-specific subject" is open to the students of that department only, and is a subject for acquiring the knowledge and skills needed by experts.  In addition to conventional engineering subjects, there are also subjects for fostering engineers who have multilateral thinking ability and who can be active in the international community.
Each department offers the education described below.

[Dept of Safety Systems Construction Engineering] (keyword:  symbiosis with nature)
With the goal of attain safe, rich social systems, the department promotes education and research into the conservation and regeneration of sound water environments, the creation of disaster prevention foundations that can cope with earthquakes and other disasters, and the development of environmentally-conscious regions, among others.
We foster engineers who can support social infrastructures by being fully conscious of people, the environment, and regional characteristics.

[Dept of Electronics and Information Engineering] (keyword:  human-friendly)
With advances in global communication, new information environments have emerged.  These information environments must incorporate human sensitivity and contribute to everyone.  For everything from the personal environment to global, large-scale information networks, it is very important to deal with system errors and failures and to ensure reliability and security.  To respond to such an environment, the department promotes education and research with the aim of fostering talented persons who have acquired the basics of the three engineering fields of information engineering, electronic communications engineering, and reliability engineering, as well as manners and ethics about information, and who can conceive and develop advanced information systems.

[Dept of Intelligent Mechanical Systems Engineering] (keyword:  human support)
With the aim of creating new intelligent machine systems that enable symbiosis between humans and artifacts, the department promotes education and research on the merging of mechanical, electronic, and control technologies, focusing on human assistance engineering.  We foster talented persons who have well-rounded knowledge and skills for the development of devices that will allow us to live a healthy and fruitful life, and that assist in production, by integrating technologies in the individual fields.

[Dept of Advanced Materials Science] (keyword:  harmony with the environment)
With the aim of attaining “monozukuri” (shop-floor production) that is friendly to both humans and nature, the department promotes education and research on the evelopment, manufacture, and systematization technologies of new materials with consideration being given to harmony with the environment, the effective use of resources, and so on. We foster talented persons who will play a role in basic fields for leading development and research into materials in a region and who will be active internationally.

4. Students We Want to Admit
The Faculty of Engineering wants to admit these students:
(1) Students who are willing to study voluntarily beyond existing engineering fields with a view to friendliness to humans and symbiosis with nature.
(2) Students who actively participate in planning and management, with their own expertise as a background.
(3) Students who aspire to contribute to the international community through engineering.
(4) Students who accept the sense of ethics of society, as well as diversifying values, and who are enthusiastic about building a rich human society by creating new  technologies.

The Faculty of Engineering offers general entrance examinations (first schedule and second schedule) and a special entrance examination (admission on ecommendation), both of which require applicants to take the University Testing Center Examination; and a special entrance examination (admission on recommendation and admission of privately funded foreign students), which exempts applicants from taking the University Testing Center Examination; and a transfer students' entrance examination.  By admitting applicants in different ways, we accept a wide variety of talented persons.
Students wishing to be admitted to the Faculty are requested to acquire a basic scholastic ability at senior high school, particularly in mathematics, science, Japanese, and English.  In the Faculty of Engineering, students acquire expertise that will enable them to design and develop software for performing numerical analysis, information processing, etc.; hardware such as buildings, robots, and computers; and new materials and substances for supporting such software and hardware.  Acquiring such expertise is only possible with a knowledge of mathematics and science.  A knowledge of Mathematics III and Mathematics C is also veryimportant, and applicants are encouraged to acquire this knowledge.  Different departments have slightly different science subject requirements, so applicants wishing to be admitted to one department are requested to have acquired the subjects required by that department, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and eography.
It is not true that applicants wishing to major in sciences need not learn Japanese, English, or social studies. The ability to read and create text is required to conduct technical investigations, prepare reports, and introduce products, and in particular, to get a job done as part of a team, the ability to communicate is required.  In today's internationalized society, an international communication ability is also required.  To properly acquire these abilities from lectures at university, students must acquire a basic scholastic ability in these subjects at senior high school.
The Faculty wants to admit those motivated students who have acquired a broad view, as well as independence and a positive attitude, through not only studies but also their experience, such as being involved in student-body acivities and club activities voluntarily, actively participating in the management of school festivals, participating in volunteer activities, coming into contact with people with a range of values, and participating in home stay programs during the summer vacations.

5. Intent of Selection Methods

<<General entrance examinations>>
First schedule
The first schedule requires applicants to take 5-subject/7-course tests in the University Testing Center Examination to select students who aim to create ngineering based on a broad viewpoint not restricted between conventional barriers between arts and sciences.  The achievement test requires applicants to take a test in one of the basic mathematics and science subjects (mathematics, physics, and chemistry).
Second schedule
The second schedule is for testing, in a comprehensive manner, for the ability to judge problems related to science and technology and the ability to respond to them, as well as the basic and other abilities to be active in the international community in the future.  Thus, the second schedule requires applicants to take 5-subject/7-course tests in the University Testing Center Examination.  The achievement test requires applicants to write an essay for the purpose of evaluating their qualities and abilities for learning "what engineering should be in the twenty-first century".

<<Special entrance examinations>>
Entrance examination for admission on recommendation that exempts applicants from the University Testing Center Examination (Recommendation I)
Recommendation I requires applicants to write an essay to evaluate their reading ability, ability to think logically, and ability to express, among others.  The material of the essay is selected from a wide variety of fields such as humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, without being biased toward specific subjects.  We hold an interview to evaluate the personality of applicants in a comprehensive manner from viewpoints such as their creativity, inquisitiveness, logic, social nature, and positive attitude.
Entrance examination for admission on recommendation that requires applicants to take the University Testing Center Examination (Recommendation II)
Recommendation II evaluates applicants on the basic scholastic ability needed for studying engineering with 3-subject/4-course tests for mathematics, science, and English in the University Testing Center Examination.  By examining school reports, we evaluate applicants in a comprehensive manner from viewpoints such as creativity, nquisitiveness, independence, social nature, and positive attitude, emphasizing involvement in student-body activities and club activities, special abilities, and qualification obtained, in addition to studies.
Entrance examination for privately funded foreign students
This is intended for foreign students who enter Japan for the purpose of receiving an education in an educational institution in Japan.  We interview applicants to ask questions about mathematics and science, thereby evaluating their ability to comprehend a university education in Japan.

This is mainly intended for graduates and prospective graduates of technical colleges and junior colleges of science and technology.  We offer a "general examination", in which applicants are interviewed and take a written test about the basic scholastic ability, and "recommendation", in which applicants are interviewed to evaluate their willingness to become engineering technologists, as well as their qualifications (including oral tests about knowledge in specialized