

2013定06埖03晩  その麿  僥伏試


峠撹25定6埖2晩、互防偏爽隨のコミュニティ`センタ`で_岸された、弌嶄僥伏吉を鵑箸靴申餐氏仝コミセン藻僥inはやし々に、垢僥何に壓汐する翌忽繁藻僥伏吉5兆Daniel Johnsonさん、Patchara Yongdimitrapapさん、Asha Sewvandi Galhenageさん、Thibault Hemadouさん、Kumaraさんが歌紗しました。藻僥伏吉は、並念に喘吭したY創や仇白xを喘いて、銚忽の僥丕崙業などをB初しました。住送氏に歌紗した弌嶄僥伏吉は、宥U毅輝宀のサポ`トを鞭けながら、d龍薯?に藻僥伏吉のh苧にき秘っていました。住送氏の恷瘁には、歌紗宀畠Tでタイのダンスを啝りました。この住送氏は、仇囃の峻圭と藻僥伏が匯悶となってgFしたもので寄腹rでした。仇囃芙氏における藻僥伏の吩?の試Sも豚棋します。

“I think the event went very well. I had a lot of fun and thought that the children did a very good job and seemed to have a good time as well. The event staff was also very kind, accommodating, and appreciative.”
“This exchange activity was very nice. I really enjoyed the time I spent with Japanese children. They seemed to be also very interested by our presentation on how a foreign school can work and our activities. Finally, with the other foreign students, we thought it was too short for them to surpass their shyness and feel more comfortable. But we didn't see the time passing. I want also to thank all the organizer of this great event. It was for me a unique opportunity.”