

EJEA Conference in Kagawa 2021

Thank you for your participation in EJEA Conference 2021 in Kagawa

New!Thanking message for participants


UpdatedConference archives for participants
Updated!Reminder Call for Publication New! Flow chart of Call for Publication
Information for our colleagues Excellent Poster Award UpdatedGuidelines on Manuscript Submission Template of Special Journal Publication
NewJournal of Kagawa University International Office (ISSN 1884-8745)Ìؼ¯ºÅ¤Ø¤ÎͶ¸å¤Ëév¤¹¤ë¤ªÖª¤é¤»


EJEA International Conference 2021 on

Human-centered Sustainability and Innovation for an AI-assisted Future: New Interdisciplinary Education & Research for the Next Stages in Japan and Europe

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October 22nd - 24th, 2021 in Takamatsu, Japan and online

Updated Program?? New! Brochure? New! Keynoters? New! Abstract?
Goto Registration Procedure of Conference
Instruction for Poster Session(English) Spatialchat¥Ý¥¹¥¿©`²Î¼ÓÕߥޥ˥奢¥ë(ºÍÎÄ)
New!Submission for Special Journal Publication of EJEA Conference 2021 in Kagawa
Guidelines on Manuscript Submission Template of Special Journal Publication


jointly?organized by

the European Japan Experts Association (EJEA), Kagawa University, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT and the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP)

?supported by

Japanese German Center Berlin (JDZB), EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, German Research Ambassadors Network for Industrial Technology Endeavors (GRANITE),? Japan-German Society Kagawa?(Japan),?JETRO Kagawa (Japan), Kagawa Prefecture (Japan), Modular Management Group (Sweden), Takamatsu City (Japan),? Women's International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA Romania)

?sponsored by

Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO),? Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence

Kagawa Industry Support Foundation (KISF), Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research


?The conference is organized in hybrid-style (physical meeting in Takamatsu, Japan and online participation daytime in Europe) on Oct. 22nd (Fri), 23rd (Sat) and 24th (Sun), 2021 (8:00-13:00 CET / 16:00-21:00 JST)

?Due to the outbreak situation of COVID-19 all over the world, the committee decided as follows:

  1. The conference will be mainly accomplished ONLINE
  2. Conference fee is FREE of charge
  3. The deadline for submission has been extended until September 15th, 2021.

Official language of the conference is English.

The conference program will be published and updated on the conference's website:


1) Call for Paper from 2021 EJEA Conference to be held in Kagawa University (PDF)

2)?Template of Abstract to be submitted for 2021 EJEA Conference?

3) Call for Posters? :
? English version? ? ÈÕ±¾ÕZ°æ(Japanese version)? ? ¸ßµÈѧУ¡¢¸ßµÈŒŸéTѧУÏò¤±

4)?mail to: ejea2021conf-c@kagawa-u.ac.jp

5) submission of your abstract in English until September 15thJuly 31st, 2021 via:

Either via:? ? ??e-mail to ejea2021conf-c@kagawa-u.ac.jp using the above template
or via?? ? ? ??https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ejeac2021conf

? ? ?Results will be notified by September 30th August 15th, 2021.

6)??Registration? ? ? ?Please remember that any speakers or accompanying persons who have not finished Official Registration will never be able to participate in the EJEA Conference.

You are officially asked to write an e-mail to our Conference Registration Address:


with the e-mail title:

2021EJEA_Conf_Regist .

-- Required information below must be included? --
(1)First Name
(2)Family Name
(3)E-mail address
(5)Affiliation postal address
(6)Participation type: Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation, Guest, Invited Speech, General participation etc.

(7)Paper Id ? ? ? ? (if you have already received)

Within a few days after you sending the registration form, the organizing committee of EJEA Conference in Kagawa 2021 will inform you how to participate in the conference and how to make your presentation there.

Aim of the Conference

In a certain way the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic defined the organizer¡¯s discussions about the content of this conference. In Europe as well as in Japan we observed, that after a first phase of stagnation immediately after the outbreak of the pandemic has been overcome, people all over the globe tried to adjust and modify their everyday lives. Many of these changes in our private and professional life came along with new technologies. Within a few weeks only we rushed into the "digital transformation" ¨C a process that we have been discussing for years with a long-term perspective became reality almost "overnight"!

Against this background, the organizers of this conference address the current COVID-situation that is also heating-up the discussion on digital transformation. However, the focus of this conference reaches far beyond! Contributions and practical experiences to this conference will deal with questions, such as:

How can these new models and methods help to develop and realize green / sustainable / secure and resilient initiatives to support local and global communities?

  • "Green Sustainable Societies" and "SDGs (sustainable development goals)" are gaining more and more importance in the policies of the European Union and of Japan. How can we create innovative forms of close intercultural and interdisciplinary cooperation that are urgently needed in times of "social distancing"?
  • How can we in research and education develop new intercultural and interdisciplinary models and methods using advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) centered concepts?
  • What about transparency, understandability and responsibility in using AI technologies in a human-centered way

Thus, in face of the complexity and interconnectedness of the processes and structures in digital transformation and future usage of AI,

a. holistic, general, and multi-level views must be taken into account, considering

b. the global and cross-cultural contexts, with an explicit focus on

c. harmony created by human wellbeing, human security and social peace.

To achieve these goals and to update the Japanese-European relationship in order to strengthen exchange and collaboration between the two regions the priorities of the conference focus on providing forums for research and education as well as innovation and industrial application. Furthermore, we strongly encourage especially the young generation for implementing the above-mentioned scientific and educational measures in Japan as well as in Europe.?

The aim of the conference is to develop integrated views and common European - Japanese recommendations which have the potential to avoid digital risks like division of society, socially incompatible developments, disintegration, leaving behind the elderly, social conflicts etc. and to support digital chances to reach aims like equality and fairness of participation, balance of chances and opportunities, cooperation as well as competition, human wellbeing, social peace and to develop the societal and digital transformation in a peaceful spirit based on high technology.

We invite you for active contribution with lectures, workshops, posters and discussions in developing new advanced applications of AI for fostering

  • new concrete interdisciplinary methods and models to achieve sustainable and resilient societies
  • new areas of research and education as well as innovation and industrial application for the benefit of all generations
  • new opportunities for and forms of cooperation and partnerships on a local, international and global level

Target Groups

Individual experts and citizens from all age groups, decision makers and opinion leaders from related organizations, companies, universities, research institutes as well as public 3
administration and governments from Japan and Europe. By this a bank of knowledge and expertise will be created.

Keynote Lectures

  • Dr. Colin De Kwant

¡°The Role of Scenarios in Design of Modular Product Platforms - Exploring Challenges and Opportunities for Electric and Fuel Cell Electric Trucks" (tbc)
Vice President Modular Management?
Lecturer at Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)

  • Dr. Yuko Harayama

¡°Human in the Loop or Human-centered¡± (tbc)
Executive Director RIKEN (Japan)
former Executive Member of Council for Science, Technology and Innovation

  • Prof. Dr. Fredrik Heintz

¡°Education for an AI-assisted Future - From Primary Education to Life-Long Learning¡±
Link?ping University, Dept. of Computer and Information Science (Sweden)
EU Commission High-Level Expert Group on AI

  • Prof. Dr. Satoshi Murayama

¡°Environmental Decision Making in the Past and Future: The Decline of Labour intensive Intelligence in Supplying Water to Sustainable Small-scale Paddy Fields in Japan¡±
Professor Emeritus, Co-convener of the International Consortium for Earth and Development Sciences, Kagawa University (Japan)

  • Dr. Lucas Paletta

¡°Cognitive Sensing for Intuitive Interaction, Well-being and Care¡±
Human Factors Lab at Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
DIGITAL ¨C Institute for Information and Communication Technologies (Austria)

  • Dr. Ren¨¦ Reiners

¡°Human-Centered System Design for Successful Digital Transformation¡±
Director of User-Centered Computing at Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT (Germany)
Coordinator of GRANITE

  • Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Tsuji

¡°From 45 Years Experience on R&D and Education of Systems Sciences¡±
Executive Director, University Public Corporation Osaka (Japan)
former President of Osaka Prefecture University

Call for Contributions

We welcome abstract submissions for the following categories:

  1. Oral Contribution
  2. We ask for oral contributions, that should be no longer than 10 minutes and presented during parallel workshops. Currently the following workshops are foreseen for a resilient post-Corona reality shaped by human and artificial intelligence (AI) ¨C contributions for additional workshops are welcome:
    • Educational Change: New Models and New Thinking in Intercultural Concepts: chaired by Prof. Dr. Toshihiro Hayashi, Kagawa University (Japan) and Prof. Dr. Anders T?rnvall, Link?ping University (Sweden)
    • eHealth / Tele-Medicine / Medical Engineering: chaired by Prof. Dr. Ichiro Ishimaru?and Prof. Dr. Kazuhiro Hara, Kagawa University (Japan)
    • Smart City: M-Sec project, NTT and Takamatsu ¡°Super City Project¡±, City of Graz, City of Malm? ¡­ (details tbd)
    • GRANITE workshop: chaired by Dr. Ren¨¦ Reiners, Fraunhofer FIT (Germany) and Prof. Dr. Satoru Takahashi, Kagawa University (Japan)
    • Environmental Humanities: Water, Air, and Land for Sustainable Living Spaces: chaired by Dr. Satoshi Murayama and Prof. Dr. Toru Terao, Kagawa?University (Japan)
    • Distributed Cognition in Learning and Behavioral Change ¨C Based on Human and?Artificial Intelligence: chaired by Prof. Dr. Dietrich Albert, University of Graz (Austria)
    • Human-Involvement in Technology Advancement: chaired by Dr. Ren¨¦ Reiners, Fraunhofer FIT (Germany) and Prof. Dr. Daisuke Sasaki, Kagawa University (Japan)
    • Human Security and Sustainability: chaired by Dr. Lars Varg?, Director Japan?Center, Institute for Security and Development Policy (Sweden)
  3. Organized Workshop
  4. We welcome your offers to organize and co-chair (Europe and Japan) a workshop in the scope of the conference. Please note that organization must be provided by the applicant itself. The platform and premises will be organized by the conference.
  5. Posters
  6. Posters focusing on human-centered sustainability and innovation for an AI-assisted future are very welcome, also from a more specific perspective. Submissions are not limited to established academics; we also encourage students and representatives from the industry to submit their posters!
  7. Demonstrations
  8. Demonstrations (at site or online) from industry and research institutions dealing with AI-assisted systems (robots, AI-software etc.) are very welcome.
  9. Visits at Local Companies
  10. The conference offers participants exclusive insights into the practical aspects and the application of AI-assisted innovations! Please participate in this format for networking and professional exchange on current topics, realizations and possible collaborations!




