

Edgar Sandro Calsin Quispe (Peru)

Sir Director of the Center for International Students.

First, I want to express my cordial greetings, and also express the greetings of all Peruvian people, especially of ex students who had the opportunity to come to Japan years before, they always told us the wonderful experiences that they lived here in Japan, I also want to be grateful to the authorities of the Center for International students, to the university authorities and national authorities of Japan government for giving to me this opportunity to learn your language and also make the specialization in mathematics education and get to make my objectives for me able to transmit these experiences in my country and make known what Japan does with regard to education.

I want to express to you the greetings of my compatriots who came here years before, they made an association of ex students and they are working very hard raising awareness and sharing what they learned in Japan, and these experiences make somebody to want to take the challenge of coming to Japan.

Thanks for everything.


13th October 2009
