

International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education

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Event & News

October 30, 2024 NEW

The 16th Symposium of the Kanagawa Glycobiotechnology Forum is a symposium?on "Rare Sugars and Wellness".

Reference sites of the article:Symposium Information

September 9, 2024

During the administrative inspection tour in connection?with the exchange of views meeting for the chairmen and vice-chairmen?of the Okayama and Kagawa prefectural assemblies, Mr. Tetsuya Matsubara,?chairman, and Mr. Koichi Tanihisa, vice-chairman, of the Kagawa Prefectural?Assembly, visited the Rare Sugar Production Station together with?Mr. Daisuke Kyutoku, chairman, and Mr. Shuichi Nakatsuka, vice-chairman,?of the Okayama Prefectural Assembly.

Reference sites of the article:Chair and Vice Chairpersons of the Prefectural?Assemblies of Okayama and Kagawa Visit Rare Sugar Production Station (HP Kagawa University)

August 1, 2024

A year-long series of rare sugars will begin in the journal Glycoforum. The first article, "Description and history of rare sugars", is written by Ken Izumori.

Reference sites of the article:Glycoforum. 2024 Vol.27 (4), A13
New!! Series: Rare Sugars
Editor/ International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education, Kagawa University

July 19, 2024

NHK “Gyutto! Shikoku” featured rare sugar “allulose”. NHK featured rare sugar in different programs two days in a row. The program will be available until July 27, 2024.

Reference sites or articles:NHK program “Gyutto! Shikoku”

July 18, 2024

NHK Takamatsu's “Yu 6 Kagawa” featured the rare sugar?“allulose”, and how it is spreading not only to foods but also to medical?purposes. The program will be available until July 25, 2024.

Reference sites or articles:NHK evening news “Yu 6 Kagawa”

June 27, 2024

Four faculty members and 41 students from Daegu Catholic University in South Korea visited us as part of a program to observe a University that is promoting revitalization through regional cooperation based on University-originated research seeds.

Reference sites or articles:Kagawa University HP
               TV News by KSB Setonaikai Broadcasting Corporation
               Newspaper article by The Shikoku Shimbun

May 22, 2024

The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) accepted a proposal submitted by Dr. Toshinori Taoka, a member of IIRSRE and a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, in cooperation with Magmitt Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. through the?Okayama University Research Center for the "Bridging Research Program FY2024 PreF".

Reference sites or articles:The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
               Magmitt Pharmaceuticals HP
               TV News by KSB Setonaikai Broadcasting Corporation

April 25, 2024

The Mainichi Shinbun (Newspaper) introduced the history and dream of rare sugar research and development.

Reference sites or articles:Rare Sugars Drawing Attention from NASA/ Kagawa University Leads the World in Rare Sugar Research

January 4, 2024

Rare sugars were introduced in the magazine Tarzan (No.871 Special Issue).

Reference sites or articles:Article by the magazine Tarzan (No. 871) Special issue features "Annual Sugar Plan".(The original title of the special issue was translated in English)

December 26, 27, 2023

A history of rare sugar research and development through industry-academia collaboration and future prospects were introduced in the Yomiuri Shimbun (Newspaper).

Reference sites or articles:Article by Yomiuri Newspaper
"Light in the Minor: Belief Opens the Way: Kagawa University's Rare Glycoconjugates Research <1>"(The original title of the article was translated in English)
"Expanding uses beyond food: Kagawa University's rare sugar research <2>"
(The original title of the article was translated in English)

October 30, 2023

The project from Cabinet Office of Japanes govorment for Enhancing the Environment to Create Innovation in Regional Core UniversitiesRegion was granted.

Reference sites:/30818/
         TV News by KSB Setonaikai Broadcasting Corporation
         Newspaper article by The Shikoku Shimbun
         Newspaper article by Nikkei Newspaper
         Newspaper article by?The Yomiuri Shimbun

October 14, 2023

Emeritus Professor Ken Izumori was introduced in NHK WORLD-JAPAN "BIZ STREAM" as "Rare Sugar: Developed from one person's research! Products and Technologies Drawing World Attention" on NHK WORLD-JAPAN's "BIZ STREAM". A program introducing Professor Izumori's years of research and the company's efforts in English was broadcast to the world on NHK. The program will be available on demand for about one year until October 14, 2024.

Reference sites or articles:On demand site: On-demand NHK WORLD-JAPAN "BIZ STREAM" from 20 min 47 sec

October 1, 2023

IIRSRE will be partially restructured starting October 2023, after promoting research, research support, and educational activities since its establishment in April 2016. For the past seven years,IIRSRE has contributed to the globalization and ecosystem formation of rare sugar research through research promotion activities such as the "Regional Innovation Ecosystem Formation Program" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. These activities have been highly appreciated, and IIRSRE was selected as a J-Innovation HUB Regional Open Innovation Center by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industryin 2022, and received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award in the Innovation Net Award 2023. In addition, we are selected in 2023 by the Cabinet Office for the project to strengthen the environment for innovation creation at regional core universities, and we will further strengthen our ties with regional industries.

Reference sites:HP of International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education
         Reorganization Press Release
         TV News by KSB Setonaikai Broadcasting Corporation
         Newspaper article by The Shikoku Shimbun
         Newspaper article by Nikkei Newspaper
         Newspaper article by?The Yomiuri Shimbun

August 2, 2023

Nikkei Newspaper featured a research development of rare sugars toward next 10 years by Industry, Government, and Academic collaboration.

Reference sites or articles:Article by Nikkei Newspaper

June 28, 2023

IIRSRE held a press conference on recent receive of the Minister of Education,Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award, and a future development of rare sugar researches. Related members from Kagawa Prefecture, Matsutani Chemical Industry, and Magmitt Pharmaceutical joined to celebrate the award and share the plan for future developments in industry-government-academia collaboration.

Reference sites or articles:Press conference report
                TV News by KSB?Setonaikai Broadcasting Corporation
                Newspaper article by The Shikoku Shimbun

June 20, 2023

TV program “Learning with Kazu Laser.” (Nippon TV) featured rare sugar D-Allulose.?President Kakehi introduced it in the program and explained contributions of Kagawa University in nationwide broad casting?on June 20, 2023.

Reference sites or articles:Program HP around 40:22~59:55

June 15, 2023

International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award in Innovation Award 2023 ceremony held on June 15, 2023.

Reference sites or articles:Award report
                Press release
                METI HP
                Innovation-network HP

May 19, 2023

Emeritus Prof. Ken Izumori will give a keynote lecture at "ifia & HFE JAPAN 2023" to be held at Tokyo Big Sight on May 19, 2023. ifia & HFE JAPAN 2023" is a joint event of the 28th International Conference on Food Ingredients and Additives and the 21st International Conference on Health/Functional Food Ingredients. This event is supported by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Consumer Affairs Agency, the Cabinet Office Food Safety Commission, the Embassy of the United States, the Delegation of the European Union to Japan, and etc. The event attracted 22,000 visitors at the same time last year, and over 30,000 visitors before the Covid-19 pandemics.

Reference sites or articles:ifia & HFE JAPAN 2023 HP
Source:Article of Food Chemicals Newspaper

March 31 to April 2, 2023

Eighth International Symposium “Rare Sugar Congress 2023” was held in Kagawa International Conference Hall from March 31 to April 2, 2023, and over200 participants from close to twenty countries including lots from our Institute gave presentationsin the Congress.

Reference sites or articles:RSC2023 HP
               KSB Setonaikai Broadcasting Corporation

March 31 to April 2, 2023

Eighth International Symposium “Rare Sugar Congress 2023” held in Kagawa International Conference Hall from March 31 to April 2, 2023,?selected Visiting Professor of Kagawa University & Emeritus Professor of Oxford University George Fleet for Rare Sugar Award

Reference sites or articles:RSC2023 HP

March 29, 2023

TV program?“News you can learn in 60 seconds”?(TV Tokyo)featured rare sugars and introduced contributions of Kagawa University in nationwide broad casting.

Reference sites or articles:TV Tokyo on web site of? “News you can learn in 60 seconds”.(around from 12 min 18 sec to 22 min 45 sec)

January 10, 2023

A video content jointly planned and covered by the NIKKEI newspaper and five TXN (TV Tokyo) affiliates (TV Osaka, TV Aichi, TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting, TV Hokkaido, and TV Setouchi), was shown nationwide on January 10, 2023. The same content was also featured on TV Setouchi on December 2022, and distributed on websites of TV Setouchi and the NIKKEI newspaper.

Reference sites or articles:NIKKEI newspaper LBS local business satellite
               NIKKEI Channel
               TSC TV Setouchi

January 1 to 8, 2023

?Cable Media Shikoku features rare sugars as a new year program on cable TV.

Reference sites or articles: Cable Media Shikoku program introduction on web.

November 30, 2022

Governor Toyohito Ikeda of Kagawa Prefecture,visited Kagawa University for a tour of facilities related to rare sugars and exchange of opinions.

Reference sites or articles: /29290/

October 3, 2022 

International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education of Kagawa University was selected as one of J-Innovation HUBs by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Reference sites or articles: /29065/
Press release by METI (in Japanese)
Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (in Japanese)

April 18, 2022 

A signing ceremony for a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Kyowa Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., was held on 18 April, 2022.

Reference sites or articles: /28388/
KSB (Setonaikai Broadcasting) on April 18, 2022
Nikkei newspaper on April 18, 2022
Shikoku newspaper on April 18, 2022
RSK(RSK Sanyo Broadcasting) on April 18, 2022
eduon! on April 18, 2022
Asahi Shimbun on April 21, 2022

March 9, 2022

Online symposium for the Regional Innovation Ecosystem Formation Program ?was held on March 2, 2022. About 100 participants joined to this symposium

Reference articles: HP of Kagawa University 2022

February 8, 2022

We are pleased to announce the timetable and outline of online symposium for the Regional Innovation Ecosystem Formation Program on March 9, 2022.

Reference articles: Press release

January 26, 2022

Rare sugar studies of Kagawa University and its related business by industry-academia collaborative research partners was introduced in the web magazine “aff” of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on January 26, 2022.

Reference articles: Web magazine “aff” of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

November 30, 2021

"Astraea Pro" using crystals of rare sugar D-psicose (allulose) submitted by Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., which is developing its business as an industry-academia collaborative research partner on rare sugars with Kagawa University, was accept as a food with functional claims on November 17, 2021.

Reference articles: Press release

November 16, 2021

NHK evening news at 6 PM featured rare sugars and the article was uploaded at the web site.

Reference sites or articles:NHK evening news “You6Kagawa”

October 6, 2021

Pure crystal product of rare sugar D-psicose (D-allulose) was launched as the brand name of ASTRARE in Japanese market by Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., after many years of efforts paid by industry-government-academia collaborations.

Reference sites or articles:Press release from Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2021

September 16, 2021

Rare sugar D-allulose has been confirmed by Kagawa University and other research institutes to have various effects when taken by healthy people. This time, we investigated the development of an active therapeutic food aimed at suppressing the rise in blood glucose of diabetic patients by development of a hospital food containing D-allulose.

Compared with a normal diabetic diet with calorie restriction, when D-allulose was contained in the same diabetic diet, suppressive effects on postprandial blood glucose elevation and insulin secretion were observed. In the future, D-allulose-containing diabetic diets will be standardized as diabetic diets provided by medical institutions, and it is expected that they will help diabetic patients to eat at home. The hospital food development this time is being promoted through industry-government-academia collaboration with Bosco Food Service Co., Ltd., with a support of funding from Kagawa Prefecture.

Reference sites or articles:NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation) on September 16,2021
               RSK (RSK Sanyo Broadcasting) on September 16,2021
               TSC (TV setouchi) on September 16,2021
               RNC (Nishinippon Broadcasting Company) on September 16,
               Shikoku Shimbun on September 16, 2021

September 2, 2021

Kagawa University and Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. were honored to receive the Technology Development Award for research and development related to mass production of D-psicose (D-allulose) that led to the practical application of rare sugar at the 70th Japanese Society for Applied Glycocience.

Reference sites:The Japanese Society for Applied Glycocience/Award list released
         Nikkei Biotechnology & Business on September 7, 2021
         News release from Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. on August 31, 2021
         News topics of Kagawa University on September 17, 2021

September 2, 2021

After many years of efforts paid by industry-government-academia collaboration, rare sugar D-psicose (D-allulose) pure crystal product will be launched in Japanese market by Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., and will be sold nationwide. Prior to the nationwide launch in Japan, the President of Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. made an online greeting to the President of Kagawa University and the Governor of Kagawa prefecture for sharing the celebratory event.

Reference sites or articles:TSC (TV Setouchi Broadcasting) on September 2, 2021
               RSK (RNC Nishinippon Broadcasting) on September 2, 2021
               Nikkei newspaper on September 2, 2021
               Shikoku Shimbun on September 3, 2021
               Nikkei Biotechnology & Business on September 7, 2021

August 27, 2021

Takamatsu Teisan Co., Ltd. started the production and supply business of rare sugars using hydrogenation reaction with a cooperation for technics and commercialization from Kagawa University and Kagawa Prefecture. The first supply of rare sugars (D-talitol and allitol) converted from D-allulose (= D-psicose) by hydrogenation reaction was delivered to campus of Kagawa University. The company will be the fourth company in Kagawa prefecture to participate in the rare sugar production-related business.

Reference sites or articles:KSB (Setonaikai Broadcasting) on September 1, 2021
               RSK (RNC Nishinippon Broadcasting) on August 27, 2021
               RSK (RSK Sanyo Broadcasting) on August 27, 2021
               Nikkei newspaper on September 2, 2021
               Shikoku Shimbun on August 28, 2021

July 19, 2021

Nikkei Newspaper featured new application method of rare sugars in concrete industry.

Reference Articles:Nikkei Newspaper July 19, 2021 Improvement of concrete function with rare sugar: Kagawa University researches

January 6, 2021

Nikkei Newspaper featured rare sugars.

Reference Articles:Nikkei Newspaper Jan 6, 2021 UPDATE Field of Intelligence

October 19, 2020

Nutrition fact labeling standard guideline for the rare sugar D-allulose issued by the US FDA on April 18, 2019 is finalized1). In addition, the FDA is seeking public comments2) on nutrition labeling of sugars that metabolize differently from conventional sugars such as sucrose, and the direction of nutrition fact labeling for various new rare sugars that will appear in the future, may be indicated.

Reference sites:1)Final announcement by FDA
         2)FDA public comment recruitment content

September 17, 2020

"D-Psicose (= D-allulose)" crystal from a newly established factory in Mexico arrived at the port for the first time on July 9, and a part of the crystal was gifted as a memorial from Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., to President Kakehi and Emeritus Prof. Izumori.

August 18, 2020

Rare sugar researches that have been developed in the various scientific fields were featured in KADAI Frontier 2021 as "Introduction of cutting-edge research: Approaching the mystery of rare sugars full of possibilities", and Kaga ad as "Rare sugar research now: Researches on rare sugars evolves beyond the faculties", respectively.

Reference sites:KADAI Frontier 2021 "Introduction of cutting-edge research:
         Approaching the mystery of rare sugars full of possibilities"
         Kaga ad "Rare sugar research now: Researches on rare sugars evolves
         beyond the faculties"

August 6, 2020

As a part of development of rare sugar applications, which is expanding in various scientific fields by strengthening research on rare sugar production technology, we held a briefing on the research results and progress of the development of a new concept agrochemical using D-tagatose.

Rare sugar research is progressing day by day for the development in a wider range of scientific fields.

Reference sites Or articles:/25260/
Nikkei newspaper on August 6, 2020
KSB (Setonaikai Broadcasting) on August 6, 2020
RSK (RSK Sanyo Broadcasting) on August 6, 2020
NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation) on August 6, 2020
Shikoku Shimbun on August 7, 2020
Asahi Shimbun on August 22 , 2020

July 22, 2020

A signing ceremony for a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., was held on 22 July, 2020.

We will establish a tighter cooperative relationship for R&D, manufacture, and commercialization of rare sugars aiming for further progress of the value of rare sugars, and also cooperate on the rare sugar business in the future with a good relationship under this agreement.

Reference sites Or articles:/25225/
Nikkei newspaper on July 22, 2020
KSB (Setonaikai Broadcasting) on July 22, 2020
NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation) on July 22, 2020
Shikoku Shimbun?on July 31, 2020

June 23, 2020

A book explaining Izumofleet formula was distributed to all members of the Institute


Reference Articles: Izumofleet formula

March 27, 2020 

Due to amendment of the notification of food labeling standards by the Consumer Affairs Agency, D-allulose (= D-psicose) was added as "0 kcal/g" in the table of document regarding "Energy Conversion Factors". The charm of the rare sugar D-allulose (= D- psicose) is now possible to appeal as a "zero calories" display in Japan.


Reference Articles: Document of the Consumer Affairs Agency (in Japanese), Page 11
           April 22, 2020 NHK Kagawa News Web
           June 1, 2020   Sankei Shimbun

January 21, 2020

NHK World featured rare sugar story in English.

December 13, 2019

Seventh International Symposium “Rare Sugar Congress 2019” was held in Kagawa
International Conference Hall for 3-5 December, 2019, and many participants from
our Institute gave presentations in the Congress.

(Many researchers from our institute participated for Rare Sugar Congress 2019)

Reference Articles : http://isrs.kagawa-u.ac.jp/

December 13, 2019

Seventh International Symposium “Rare Sugar Congress 2019” held in Kagawa
International Conference Hall for 3-5 December, 2019 selected Emeritus Prof. Ken Izumori for Rare Sugar Award

(Profs. Izumori and Fleet from our institute in the award ceremony)

Reference Articles : http://isrs.kagawa-u.ac.jp/

October 18, 2019

Schedule of the Seventh International Symposium “Rare Sugar Congress 2019”

( in Kagawa International Conference Hall for 3-5 December, 2019) is now opened.

Reference Articles : http://isrs.kagawa-u.ac.jp/

August 14, 2019

Approval of the first“ Foods with Function Claims" for rare sugar

The rare sugar-containing syrup “Rare Sugar Sweet” that had been submitted to the Consumer Affairs Agency was accepted as a “Foods with Function Claims” on August 8, 2019.

Reference Articles : Nikkei Newspaper on August 14, 2019

July 19, 2019

Setouchi Triennale 2019 participating works 「Dr. Rare appears!」

July 10, 2019

Setouchi Triennale 2019 participating works 「Izumoring-cosmos of rare sugar?

Reference Articles: July 19, 20, 2019
           August 10, 11, 12, 2019

June 17, 2019

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand visited Rare Sugar Production Station.

International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education (IIRSRE) was honored to receive a visit by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhon of Thailand and over 20 members of her delegates.

Her Royal Highness was listening enthusiastically to the explanation of rare sugars from President Kakehi and Professor Emeritus Izumori. Kagawa University IIRSRE was honored to welcome Her Royal Highness and her delegation to the campus.

Additional Article: /23908/

April 18, 2019

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released Nutrition Fact Labeling guidelines for rare sugar

In the US Nutrition Fact Labeling, psicose (allulose) had been classified as a sugar due to its monosaccharide structure. However, psicose (allulose)is non-caloric even with having about 70% of sweetness of sugar and has also suppressive functions of such as blood sugar rise after meal and visceral fat accumulation. Because of these physiological characters, we suggested that classification of rare sugars in Nutrition Fact Labeling should be different from regular sugars at the symposium of the International Society of Rare Sugars held in Kagawa Prefecture in 2016. According to this new FDA guidelines, psicose (allulose) is now exempt from the target for sugar beverage tax that is implemented in some states in the US, and "zero sugar" and "zero calorie" can be dually displayed on the products with psicose (=allulose) in the US markets.

Reference Articles: FDA announcement
           Food Business News

March 20, 2019

NHK radio Nradi featured rare sugars.

Reference Articles: The key to mass - produce rare sugars

March 7, 2019

NHK News Web featured rare sugars.

Reference Articles: Business special edition
           Using rare sugar that prevents weight gain as obesity

March 1, 2019

Royal Thai Ambassador to Japan visited Rare Sugar Production Station in the faculty of Agriculture campus.

Reference Articles: Royal Thai Ambassador visited Rare Sugar Production Station

January 11, 2019

Start of Rare Sugar D-Psicose (=D-Allulose) Production in North America

Reference Articles: Nikkei Newspaper on Jan 11, 2019
           Matsutani Chemical Industry Co.,
           Ltd. cooperates with Ingredion Co., Ltd. to begin manufacturing rare
           sugar D-psicose (D-alulose) in North America
           Reference Articles and TV news:January 11, 2019 Asahi Shimbun
           January 11, 2019 NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
           January 11, 2019 The Sankei Shimbun & Sankei Digital

March 29, 2018

Production system of “Rare Sugar Tree” (Itea spp.) with local senior participants under industry-academia-government collaboration received ”2017 Seisaku shōrei-shō” (Policy Encouragement Award) in the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, on March 29, 2017.

Reference Articles and video:
Shikoku Shimbun on March 29, 2018
Recruit Jobs Co., Ltd. Video introduction

January 17, 2018

Rare Sugar”, first coined by Professor Emeritus Dr. Ken Izumori (IIRSRE Research Adviser) and authorized by the International Society of Rare Sugars in 2001, and one of rare sugars “Psicose”, have been added as “new words” to Kojien 7th edition (Iwanami Shoten Publishers) published on January 12, 2018. Kojien is the definitive resource for the Japanese language, and is considered the standard by which other dictionaries are measured. The other new words that were recognized in the new edition of Kojien as having entered the Japanese lexicon, are for example Smapho (Smartphone), LCC (Low-cost carrier), and Appli (Smartphone application).

Reference Articles: Nikkei Newspaper on Jan 17, 2018
Shikoku Shimbun on Jan 20, 2018
Setonaikai Broadcasting on Jan 24, 2018

October 1, 2017

Greeting by New Director

August 1, 2017

Regional Innovation Ecosystem Formation Program was granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

July 31, 2017

Exhibition of rare sugar study at Innovation Japan 2017 willl be from August 31 to September 1, 2017 at Tokyo Big Sight

February 22, 2017

Rare Sugar Seminars was held at the Lounge of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

January 4, 2017

Rare Sugar exhibition started at the entrance of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan from Jan 4 to Feb 22, 2017 in Tokyo

January 4, 2017

Assistant Professor L. Kong arrived to the division of Rare Sugar Production

December 20, 2016

Rare sugar researches and this institute were featured as“Rare Sugar: Toward the next stage” in University PR brochure Kaga-Ado

December 1, 2016

Assistant Professors S. Mochizuki and S. Kato arrived to the division of Rare Sugar Production

December 1, 2016

Professor emeritus of Oxford University G.W.J. Fleet arrived Kagawa University as a visiting professor position

November 26, 2016

More than 200 researchers arrived for Rare Sugar Congress 2016 , and over 350 attendance was counted for “Rare Sugar Seminars for Public” and exhibition by rare sugar-related companies

October 9, 2016

IIRSRE was picked up in the Asahi Shimbun(Asahi Newspaper) in the education section of national edition.

July 15, 2016

The Sixth International Rare Sugar Congress in Kagawa will be hold at International Convention Facility for 24-26 November, 2016

July 8, 2016

36 students from Takamatsu Elementary School Attached to Faculty of Education, Kagawa University arrived

July 5, 2016

Dean Park and 11 students from Catholic University of Daegu arrived

June 1, 2016

Rare sugar was picked up in "Good morning Japan" on NHK national network

May 12, 2016

Celebration of the 23th Ashihara Scientific Award

May 6, 2016

Rare sugar was picked up in NHK program on Kansai regional network

April 27, 2016

The founding memorial symposium of International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education

April 1, 2016

Establishment of International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education