

International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education

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  • English
  • 国際希少糖研究教育機構 International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education
  • 国際希少糖研究教育機構 International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education
  • 国際希少糖研究教育機構 International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education
  • 国際希少糖研究教育機構 International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education

What is the International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education about?

 Kagawa University, a world leader in "Rare Sugar Research," aims to strengthen research on rare sugar production technology, promote research on the development of rare sugar applications in a wide range of industrial fields such as functional foods, medical materials, agricultural materials, and industrial materials, and furthermore, develop these research results internationally and provide them widely to society.
 As an organization for this purpose, we established the "International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education" in 2016, and furthermore, through organizational restructuring in 2023, we aim to develop new applications by strengthening functions to focus on geographic linkage advancement.

  • Message from the Director
  • Rare Sugar Production Station

News and Topics

Kagawa Glycobiotechnology Forum 16th Symposium “Rare Sugars and Wellness” NEW
Chairmen/Vice Chairmen of Kagawa and Okayama?Prefectural Assemblies visit our Rare Sugar Production Station
A special series on rare sugars started in the journal Glycoforum!
NHK featured rare sugar D-allulose in different programs two days in a row.
Forty-one students from Daegu Catholic University, South Korea visited IIRSRE.
D-Allose project was adopted by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED).
Rare sugar research and development was introduced in the Mainichi Shinbun (Newspaper).
Rare sugars were introduced in the magazine Tarzan (No.871 Special Issue).
Rare sugar research and development was introduced in the Yomiuri Shimbun(Newspaper) twice in a row.
The project from Cabinet Office of Japanes govorment for Enhancing the Environment to Create Innovation in Regional Core UniversitiesRegion was granted.
Emeritus Professor Ken Izumori was introduced on NHK WORLD-JAPAN "BIZ STREAM" as "Rare Sugar: Developed from one person's research! Products and Technologies Drawing Worldwide Attention".
IIRSRE will be partially restructured starting October 2023, after promoting research, research support, and educational activities since its establishment in April 2016.
Nikkei Newspaper featured a research development of rare sugars toward next 10 years by Industry, Government, and Academic collaboration.
IIRSRE held a conference on recent receive of the Minister of Education,Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award, and a future development of rare sugar researches.
TV program “Learning with Kazu Laser.” (Nippon TV) featured rare sugar D-Allulose.
IIRSRE?received?the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology?Award.
Emeritus Prof.?Ken Izumori will give a keynote lecture at "ifia & HFE JAPAN 2023" to be held at Tokyo Big Sight.
Eighth International Symposium “RareSugarCongress 2023”held on March 31 to April 2, 2023
Rare Sugar Award was granted to Visiting Professor of Kagawa University & Emeritus Professor of Oxford University George Fleet in the?Eighth International Symposium “Rare Sugar Congress 2023”.
TV program?“News you can learn in 60 seconds”?(TV Tokyo)featured rare sugars.
Rare sugar was introduced in the Nikkei Newspaper and five TXN-affiliated BS national broadcasts.
Cable Media Shikoku features rare sugars.
Governor Toyohito Ikeda visits IIRSRE.
IIRSRE was selected as J-Innovation HUB by METI.
A signing ceremony for a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Kyowa Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., was held on 18 April, 2022.
Online symposium for the Regional Innovation Ecosystem Formation Program ?was held.
The outline of online symposium for the Regional Innovation Ecosystem Formation Program is announced.
The outline of online symposium for the Regional Innovation Ecosystem Formation Program is announced.
Web magazine “aff” of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries picked up Rare Sugars
"Astraea Pro", a powdered soft drink using rare sugar D-psicose (allulose) crystals, was accepted as a food with functional claims.
NHK News featured rare sugars.
Pure crystal product of rare sugar D-psicose (D-allulose) on market nationwide in Japan
Progress report on development of a new diabete treatment diet using the rare sugar D-allulose
Kagawa University and Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. were honored to receive the Technology Development Award at the 70th Japanese Society for Applied Glycocience
Rare sugar D-psicose (D-allulose) pure crystal product will be on market nationwide in Japan from Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
A company (Takamatsu Teisan Co., Ltd.) in Kagawa started a production and supply business of rare sugars using a hydrogenation reaction
Nikkei Newspaper featured new application of rare sugars
Nikkei Newspaper featured rare sugars.
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finalized Nutrition Fact Labeling for rare sugar D-allulose
The first arrival of "D-psicose (= D-allulose)" crystal from a factory dedicated to rare sugars newly established in Mexico.
Widely expanded Rare sugar researches were featured in University PR brochures; such as "Introduction of cutting-edge research: Approaching the mystery of rare sugars full of possibilities" in KADAI Frontier 2021 and "Rare sugar research now: Researches on rare sugars evolves beyond the faculties" in Kaga ad, respectively.
Announcement was made for the results of agrochemical development using rare sugar D-tagatose, as a part of the development of rare sugar applications that are expanding in various scientific fields by strengthening research on rare sugar production technology.
A signing ceremony for a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., was held on 22 July, 2020.
A book explaining Izumofleet formula was distributed to all members of the Institute
Due to amendment of the notification of food labeling standards, D-allulose (= D-psicose) can be displayed as 0 kcal (zero kilocalorie)
NHK World featured English news of rare sugars.
Seventh International Symposium “Rare Sugar Congress 2019” held on Dec 3 to 5, 2019.
Rare Sugar Award was granted to Emeritus Prof. Ken Izumori in Rare Sugar Congress 2019
Schedule of the Seventh International Symposium “Rare Sugar Congress 2019”
( in Kagawa International Conference Hall for 3-5 December, 2019) is now opened.
Approval of the first “Foods with Function Claims" for rare sugar
Setouchi Triennale 2019 participating works 「Dr. Rare appears!」
Setouchi Triennale 2019 participating works 「Izumoring-cosmos of rare sugar? 
Her Royal Highness Princess Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand and over 20 members of her delegates visited Rare Sugar Production Station. 
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released Nutrition Fact Labeling guidelines for rare sugar
NHK radio Nradi featured rare sugars.
NHK News Web featured rare sugars.
Royal Thai Ambassador visited Rare Sugar Production Station
“2017 Seisaku shōrei-shō” (Policy Encouragement Award) was granted in the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
“Rare Sugar” and “Psicose” were selected by Kojien 7th edition (Iwanami Shoten Publishers)
Greeting by New Director
Regional Innovation Ecosystem Formation Program was granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Exhibition of rare sugar study at Innovation Japan 2017 willl be from August 31 to September 1, 2017 at Tokyo Big Sight
Rare Sugar Seminars was held at the Lounge of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Rare Sugar exhibition started at the entrance of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan from Jan 4 to Feb 22, 2017
Assistant Professor L. Kong arrived to the division of Rare Sugar Production
Rare sugar researches were featured as “Rare Sugar: Toward the next stage” in University PR brochure Kaga-Ado
Assistant Professors S. Mochizuki and S. Kato arrived to the division of Rare Sugar Production
Professor emeritus of Oxford University G.W.J. Fleet arrived Kagawa University as a visiting professor position
More than 200 researchers arrived for Rare Sugar Congress 2016 , and over 350 attendance was counted for “Rare Sugar Seminars for Public” and exhibition by rare sugar-related companies
IIRSRE was picked up in the Asahi Shimbun(Asahi Newspaper) in the education section of national edition.
The Sixth International Rare Sugar Congress in Kagawa will be hold at International Convention Facility for 24-26 November, 2016
36 students from Takamatsu Elementary School Attached to Faculty of Education, Kagawa University arrived
Dean Park and 11 students from Catholic University of Daegu arrived
Rare sugar was picked up in “Good morning Japan” on NHK national network
Celebration of the 23th Ashihara Scientific Award
Rare sugar was picked up in NHK program on Kansai regional network
The founding memorial symposium of International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education
Establishment of International Institute of Rare Sugar Research and Education