? インターナショナルオフィスは、2023年6月10日(土)に庵治半島沖にある無人島の高島でビーチクリーンアップと海洋ごみの調査を実施しました。この行事は、授業科目「Plastics, Circular economy, and the Environment」の一環としてのフィールドワークでした。






学生たちは、この経験を授業で学んだ学問的な内容と関連づける予定です。加えて、参加したうちの日本人学生3名は、チェンマイ大学、国立嘉義大学、香川大学共同主催「The Second Trilateral Symposium on SDGs」において、ビーチクリーンアップの経験についてプレゼンテーションを行う予定です。

Beach cleanup and survey fieldwork conducted at uninhabited Takashima island

The International Office conducted a beach cleanup and survey on June 10, 2023, Saturday, at uninhabited Takashima (Island) which lies offshore Aji Peninsula. This event constituted a field trip for the class called 'Plastics, Circular economy, and the Environment'.

The two teachers in charge coordinated with and received cooperation and support from the Kagawa University Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center Marine Station as well as from members of Aji-na Beach Clean Committee (that actively plans and executes beach cleanups on a regular basis), SBSC Team (a yacht club interested in environmental issues), and members of the local community who are actively involved in beach cleanup activities.

The weather was cloudy with a little wind. A total of 22 people participated, including 6 international students, 4 Japanese students, 3 university staff members, and 9 collaborators.
Participants departed for Takashima from three ports. The ten students guided by one staff member departed from Takamatsu Sunport by a chartered boat, which was financed by a special fund from the university. From Kamano Fishing Port, the Marine Station boat departed with two university staff and five volunteers. The third group left from Mure Port via a yacht.

The cleanup was conducted via three teams comprising of students and volunteers.

A total of 1794 pieces weighing 221.9 kilograms of marine garbage were collected in about two hours. Using the classification provided by International Coastal Cleanup, the top five items collected were ①Oyster pipes (401 pieces), ②Beverage bottles (plastic) (290 pieces), ③Broken plastic pieces (210 pieces), ④Bottle caps (plastic) (207 pieces) and ⑤Glass pieces (130 pieces).

Students shall be using this experience to relate to the academic content learned in their classes. In addition, three of the Japanese students shall make a presentation on their beach cleanup experiences at the Second Trilateral Symposium on SDGs jointly organized by Chiang Mai University, National Chiayi University, and Kagawa University.?