場所:香川大学幸町キャンパス オリーブスクエア 多目的ホール(高松市幸町1-1)

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 四国危機管理教育?研究?地域連携推進機構では、地震が多発する国の研究者を招いて、今後の地震?津波の減災科学研究について議論します。  特に海底観測網?リアルタイム情報の利活用研究、シミュレーション研究、調査観測研究ならびに、減災教育研究といった分野における研究の現状と成果について紹介します。
International Symposium on Disaster Mitigation Researches in Earthquake-Prone Countries
First Session(Chair: Yoshiyuki Kaneda)
● Spatial and temporal characteristics of the microseismicity preceding the 2016 ML 6.6 Meinong earthquake in southern Taiwan Hsin-Chieh Pu(Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan)
● Strong Ground Motion Simulation for February 6, 2016 Meinong, Taiwan Earthquake Cheng-Feng Wu (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
● Real-Time Tsunami Inundation Forecast Study in Chimbote City, Peru Nabilt Jill Moggiano Aburto(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru)

Coffee Break(20min)
● System for estimation of tsunami hazard using seismic data Sergey Kolesov(M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
● Applicability of depth-integrated equations to the description of tsunami waves Mikhail Nosov (M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)

Second Session(Chair: Shuichi Hasegawa)
● Road Map to the endorsement of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act 2017 from the Parliament of Nepal Gangalal Tuladhar(Himalaya Conservation Group, Nepal)
● Disaster Readiness - Turkish situation: MarDiM Project & KOERI(Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute)'s role Haluk Ozener (Bogazici University, Turkey) Poster
● Current status and perspective for felt earthquake information reporting at CWB in Taiwan Nai-Chi Hsiao(Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan)
● Shallow Shear Wave Velocity Structures and Site Characteristics of Tainan Area, Taiwan, Using Microtremor Array Records Huey-Chu Huang(National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
● Does Nepal learn after the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake ? Ranjan Kumar Dahal(Tribhuvan University, Nepal)
● Relationship between ocean-bottom pressure variations and accelerations during an earthquake Viacheslav Karpov(M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
● Efforts of Business Continuity Plan of Companies in Kagawa-Prefecture and the Necessity of Pre-Restoration in Each Industry Chikako Isouchi & Takuji Sangawa(Kagawa University, Japan)

Third Session(Chair: Wataru Shiraki)
● Development of a Training Simulator and Its Application to Practicable Response Training for School Teachers in Earthquakes Kyosuke Takahashi(Kagawa University, Japan)
● Development of Structural Response Simulation Towards Rapid Estimates of Regional Earthquake and Tsunami Damage Narutoshi Nakata(Tokushima University, Japan)
● Oceanfloor network system and the utilization for disaster prevention Narumi Takahashi(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Japan)
● Slow slip event monitoring in the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone by seafloor borehole observation Eiichiro Araki (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan)
● Resilience Science and Resilience Society Yoshiyuki Kaneda(Kagawa University, Japan)


香川大学四国危機管理教育?研究? 地域連携推進機構
TEL 087-864-2544 FAX 087-864-2549
E-MAIL kikikanri@jim.ao.kagawa-u.ac.jp