On 17th April 2021, the International Office and Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center Aji Marine Station took part in a joint environmental clean-up event via Zoom with Bhutan and Cambodia. This event was probably a first of its kind to be held in Kagawa. The purpose was threefold:?①Deepen our awareness of the environmental impact of inland, marine, and river plastic garbage?②Foster international relations and understanding of lifestyles and culture in Japan, the Kingdom of Bhutan, and the Kingdom of Cambodia through environmental cleaning?③?Cultivate relationship and cooperation between international students, the university,?and members of the local community at?Aji?town.

The clean-up location at Kagawa was Kamano Beach, and Kagawa University Aji Marine Station. At Bhutan and Cambodia, the respective clean-up locations were Thimpu Chu (River) and the University Farm at Royal University of Agriculture. The main organizer was ‘Aji-na Beach Clean Committee’, which included a faculty member from the International Office as a member. Kagawa University Aji Marine Station and International Office, along with two other associations in the local area acted as ‘cooperative’ or ‘support’ units for the event.

The Japan side had 30 participants, including 8 international students and members of the local community as well as residents coming from other parts of Kagawa and Tokushima. Bhutan had 46 people joining from the Royal Civil Service Commission of Bhutan?, JICA Bhutan Office, and JICA Alumni Association of Bhutan. Cambodia had about 10 university students participating, making a total of more than 80 people.

イベントは、Zoomを通した3国間の5分あいさつで始まりました。続いて、3国それぞれで約1時間清掃を行いました。再度Zoom で接続し、お互いの清掃後の風景を共有し、報告を行いました。紹介されたごみの例としては、ゴルフボール(ブータン)、マスク(カンボジア)、漁網の部品(日本)がありました。Zoomの接続に少々の問題もありましたが、本学卒業生のご協力によりブータンやカンボジアとの調整がうまく機能したため、イベントは成功裏に終了しました。将来的には、他の国々の卒業生と同様の共同イベントを計画していきたいと考えております。
The event kicked off with a 5-minute greetings segment via Zoom across three countries. Following which, all three countries conducted the clean-up event at their respective locations for about an hour. We all connected again via Zoom to share views of the three locations, and to report on the clean-up. Some specimens of the garbage introduced were golf ball (Bhutan), face mask (Cambodia) and fishing net components (Japan). There were minor hiccups in the Zoom connection, but the event turned out to be a success because our alumni members were instrumental in coordinating for Bhutan and Cambodia. We hope to plan for similar joint events with alumni members from other countries in the future.


