华人策略论坛,华人策略网站4年3月19日(土)に、本学より18名が瀬戸内オーシャンズXの「海ごみゼロチャレンジ in 瀬戸内漁港」と題したキックオフイベントに参加しました。(内訳は留学生9名、日本人学生7名、原インターナショナルオフィス長とロン教授)






On 19 March 2022 (Sat), a group of 16 students participated in the Setouchi Oceans X Kick-off environmental cleaning event. Nine were international students while seven were Japanese students. The group was led by Prof. Hara (Director of International Office) and Prof. Lrong.

'Setouchi Oceans X' is a five-year project funded by Nippon Foundation, and is undertaken by four prefectures (Kagawa, Ehime, Hiroshima, and Okayama) aiming to achieve 'zero marine waste' in the Seto Inland Sea.

The location of the kick-off event was the Takamatsu Fishing Port and the wholesale fish market area.

Besides the eighteen of us from Kagawa University, members of three local resident associations, Takamatsu Central Wholesale market, Setouchi Fisheries Association, City Hall personnel, Prefectural Office personnel, and 'Marine garbage leaders' participated, making a total of about 120 people.

All participants were divided into seven groups, each headed by a Marine garbage leader.

Garbage collected was recorded based on procedures developed by International Coastal Cleanup (ICC). Garbage was separated into different types and counted. Pet bottles, cigarette butts, food wrappers, food containers, miscellaneous daily items, and ropes were among the prominent items collected. In total, 152 bags (30 liters each) weighing 245 kilograms were recorded.

Students were surprised at the amount of garbage collected in merely 90 minutes of activity. Some of the student comments included the following.
‘I realized that community participation was important as an awareness medium to take care of one’s rubbish’.
‘Looking at my individual performance, I didn’t think I made a significant difference for the environment, but when I saw all the collected garbage accumulated at the end, it was just inspiring’.